The Rio Grande Valley's Nature Site

Rio Grande Valley Birds and Rio Grande Valley Birding Links:

Home | Contact Us | Jan's Nature Photos

*Texas  Rare Bird Alert:  713-369-9673 (to listen); 713-464-2473 (to report)
*Lower Rio Grande Valley RBA:  To report: e-mail .  To report or listen, call: 956-584-2731-option#3

LRGV birds and LRGV birding are something special.  Of the 637 species of birds that have been found in Texas, 528 species of these birds have been found in South Texas' Lower Rio Grande Valley or the LRGV...more species of birds than any other area in Texas, and more species of birds than most other states!  Because of the LRGV's close proximity to Mexico, because we are so far south, and because of our unique habitat,  many of the LRGV bird species can be found nowhere else in North America.  These many and often unique species of Rio Grande Valley birds bring the birders to the Lower Rio Grande Valley in great numbers.  RGV birding is the number one factor in the huge eco-tourism industry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, and it is the RGV birds that make it so.
The links below should help you out in finding and identifying our LRGV pájaros and the other birds in North America.   We hope you visit the Rio Grande Valley often, and get your birding friends to visit the LRGV, also.  The RGV Chambers of Commerce as well as all of the Rio Grande Valley county and RGV city governments go out of their way to promote RGV birds and RGV birding.   

Please Report Your Sightings to Texas e-Bird


To View Jan's Photos of Many LRGV Birds, CLICK HERE

Rio Grande Valley Birding Information:

Checklist of Birds of the LRGV

Valley Birding Sites

World Birding Center (complete LRGV birding info)

List of Local Nature/Birding Guides

Arroyo Colorado Audubon Society-ACAS (Valley's only bird club)

Sabal Palm Sanctuary's Live Bird Feeder Camera

Mary Beth Stowe's Hidalgo County Page (excellent)

Texas Birding Information:

Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail-Lower Texas Coast Sites (LRGV)

Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail-Central Texas Coast Sites (CTC)

Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail-Upper Texas Coast Sites (UTC)

Great Texas Wildlife Trail-Prairies and Pineywoods Wildlife Trail (East)

Great Texas Wildlife Trail-Prairies and Pineywoods Wildlife Trail (West)

Great Texas Wildlife Trails-Heart of Texas (West)

Great Texas Wildlife Trails-Panhandle Plains

Texas Ornithological Society (TOS)

Texas Ornithological Society Bulletin (on-line archives)

TOS's Texas Bird Records Committee (TBRC)

Texas Bird Photo-Images

Texas Bird Conservation Alliance (TBCA)

Texas Breeding Bird Atlas

Texas Century Club

Checklist of Texas Birds (634 Species and Counting!)

Nature Conservancy in Texas

Texas Audubon

Texas e-Bird

Gulf Coast Bird Observatory


"TEXBIRDS" (chat group) Reference Page

"TEXBIRDS" (chat group) Current Archives

NEXRAD Doppler Imagery

Re NEXRAD:  GREEN hues are objects moving TOWARDS the radar.  BRIGHT hues are object moving AWAY from the radar.  GRAY hues form the LINE OF AXIS at the radar.

Wheelchair Accessible Wildlife Viewing Sites in Texas

Texas Pelagic Birding

Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.

Bird Species Accounts and Bird Sounds:

Patuxent Bird Identification Info Center (species accounts)

Internet Bird Collection Videos (excellent)

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology (species accounts, sounds)

Cornell's Macaulay Library (sounds, videos)

Cornell's Neotropical Birds Online (species accounts)

Animal Diversity Webs-Birds (sounds, species accounts)

NWF's e-Nature-Birds (species accounts)

Discover Life (species accounts)

Guide to North American Bird Songs and Sounds (species accounts, sounds)

BirdLife International Links (sounds)

Tropical America Bird Songs (sounds)

Library of Mexican Bird Sounds (sounds)

Chilean Bird Songs (sounds, video)

World Bird Guide (sounds)

Nature Songs (sounds)

Guide to Animal Sounds on the Net (sounds)

The Owl Pages

Giff Beaton's Shorebird Photos

David Sibley's Blog

Nathan Pieplow's "Ear Birding" Blog

Texas Bird Photo-Images

Warbler Identification Quick Finder Guides

Birding Societies and Organizations:

Links to Many Bird Conservation Organizations

American Birding Association (ABA)

National Audubon Society (NAS)

American Bird Conservancy (ABC)

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology (CLO)

National Wildlife Federation (NWF)

Neotropical Bird Club

Arkansas Audubon Society (AAS)

Louisiana Ornithological Society (LOS)

Oklahoma Ornithological Society (OOS)

New Mexico Ornithological Society (NMOS)

Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN)

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSVP)

British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)

Oriental Bird Club's Images Database (OBC)

Sociedad de Ornitología Neotropical (SON)

Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB)

Other Helpful Birds and Birding Information Sites:

Helpful Beginning Birding Info

Bird Dictionary and Encyclopedia Online

Glossary of Ornithology Terms

Glossary of Avian Conservation Terminology

Bird Links to the World

Electronic Resources on Ornithology

Searchable Ornithological Research Archive (SORA)


The Feather Atlas (FWS Site)


Birding on the Net

Birdingpal (Birding Contacts and Information)


Fat Birder


Wild Birds Unlimited Stores

Birding for All (Disabled Birders Advocate Site)

Audubon's "Birds of America"

Bent's "Life Histories of North American Birds" Online

"Birds and Nature" Magazine, 1897-1907 Online

"BirdWatcher's Digest" Magazine

"BirdWatching" Magazine

"Birds & Blooms" Magazine

"Living Bird" Magazine (CLO)

"Birding" Magazine (ABA)

"Bird Conservation" Magazine (ABC)

"Audubon" Magazine (NAS)

"National Wildlife" Magazine (NWF)

Checklist of the Birds of Mexico

Aves de Costa Rica (Site is in Spanish)

Great Traveling Tips for the International Birder

Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.
