The Rio Grande Valley's Nature Site

Republic of Mexico Links:

Home | Contact Us | Jan's Nature Photos
The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 requires that U.S., travelers to and from Mexico have a passport to enter or re-enter the United States.    NOTE:  Mexico REQUIRES  that you you use PESOS to enter back into the U.S.  U.S. coins and currencty are no longer accepted on the Mexico side of at the International Bridges.

Transprotation Security Administration (DHS)

When in South Texas' Lower Rio Grande Valley, you are always reminded that the Republic of Mexico is just a few minutes away.
Whether you are just walking across the Rio Grande River to shop or eat, or are planning a wildlife watching trip to Mexico, these links should be of help. 
In the same amount of time it takes to drive from the Valley to Houston, you can be in the cloud forests of El Cielo.  In less time than it takes to drive from the Rio Grande Valley to Austin, you can be in in the valleys by Cd. Victoria, and in less time than it takes to drive from the Valley to the Aransas NWR, you can be in the mountains of Monterrey.
Wildlife watching in Mexico is a blast.  Mexican birds, and Mexican butterflies are well worth searching for..go for it!  ¡Visite México!

Mexican Natural History Information:

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Dictionary

Language Translator

U. S. Customs and Border Protection's Border Wait Times

Map of Mexico

Maps of Mexican States and Federal District

MexOnline (Excellent Online Guide)

El Universal (Newspaper, National, Spanish)

El Nuevo Heraldo (Newspaper,Valley-wide, Spanish)

U.S. State Dept. Consular Information Page

Great Traveling Tips for the International Birder

Mexican Consulate Office-McAllen

Mexico Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR)

Mexico Tourism Board (CPTM)

Mexican Section of the International Council for Bird Preservation (CIPAMEX)

Mexican Association of Adventure, Tourism, and Ecotourism (AMTAVE)

Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)

Mexico Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA)

National Biodiversity Commission (CONABIO)

National Commission for Natural Protected Areas (CONANP)

Ecology Institute (INECOL)

Mexico National Parks Index

National Forests Commission (CONAFOR)

National Ecology Institute (INE)

National Museum of Popular and Indigenous Cultures (CONACULTA)

Fund for Nature Conservation

Conservation Learning Initiative (IMAC)

Veracruz's Spanish Language Immersion Schools

Bamboo of Mexico

Checklist of the Birds of Mexico




Pajareando el Noreste de Mexico

State of Michoacan

State of Nuevo Leon

State of San Luis Potosi

State of Tamaulipas

Tamaulipas Gov. Wildlife Site

Cuidad Victoria, Tamps.

El Mante, Tamps.

Matamoros, Tamps.

Monterrey, NL

Chipinque Ecological Park

Sierra Gorda Biosphere Preserve

El Cielo Biosphere Reserve

Casa de Piedra Hotel-Gomez Farias & El Cielo Biosphere Preserve

Reserva de la Biosfera El Cielo Hotels

The Nature Conservancy-Mexico

World Wildlife Fund-Mexico

Audubon Society of Mexico

Huitzil-Journal of Mexican Ornithology

Tropical America Bird Songs

Library of Mexican Bird Songs

Manual for the Development and Training of Bird Guides (pdf)

Xalapa Bird Club
